
Bridging an Ethereum token to World Chain

1. Deploy your token on World Chain

Choose your preferred bridging framework and use it to deploy an ERC-20 for your token on World Chain. We recommend using the framework provided by World Chain's standard bridge contracts, and deploying your token with the OptimismMintableERC20Factory. This deployment method offers guarantees that will streamline the approval process. If you opt for a different bridging framework, it must be compatible with the standard bridge interface, or we may have difficulty supporting it.

2. Submit details for your token

Follow the instructions in the GitHub repository and submit a PR with the required details for your token. You must specify a section for worldchain-sepolia and/or worldchain in your token’s data.json file. The submission is straightforward if your token is already listed on the Superchain token list.

3. Await final approval

The Worldcoin team regularly reviews submissions, and you should receive a response within 24-72 hours, depending on whether the PR is submitted on a weekday, weekend, or holiday.