Quick Start


Commands are defined payloads that the mini app can send to the World App.

These are the current commands available in Minikit:

VerifyVerify an action with World ID.
PayInitiate a payment request.
Wallet AuthAuthenticate via Sign in with Ethereum
Send TransactionWrite to smart contracts
Sign MessageSign personal messages with your wallet
Sign Typed DataSign EIP-712 payloads with your wallet
Share Social Graph (coming soon)Allows users to share their contacts in a privacy preserving way with apps
Notifications (coming soon)Send notifications to users


Below is an example of how to use the Verify command in your mini app.

import { MiniKit, VerificationLevel, VerifyCommandInput } from '@worldcoin/minikit-js';

const verifyPayload: VerifyCommandInput = {
  action: "voting-action",
  verification_level: VerificationLevel.Orb,
  signal: "0x12312" // Optional

const payload = MiniKit.commands.verify(verifyPayload);